for this cause ought the woman to have. sign of authority on her head, because of the angels.

'for this cause' -'Because these indisputable facts remain, all customs that truly symbolize these facts will meet approval on the part of all who bow fully to God.' (Lenski p. 444)

Point to Note:

What is often forgotten is that. double obligation exists in these verses. Because of these facts, both men and women are under obligation. (1 Corinthians 11:7 'ought not'; 1 Corinthians 11:10 'ought') Women are not allowed to cast off the recognized customs of society that express. biblical truth (i.e. their subjection or femininity). In addition (what at times is forgotten in this whole discussion), men are not allowed to cast off the customs that express their rule or masculinity. Women weren't to rid themselves of the veil, but neither were men wear something that was considered "an article of woman's clothing."

'sign of authority' -'a sign that she is under man's authority' (Tay); 'an outward sign of man's authority.' (Phi)

Considering the context, the only "sign of authority" present is the veil. In Corinthian culture, the veil symbolized the authority of men over women.

'because of the angels' -'She is to keep the place God has given to her. There were angels who were given position and rank but who refused to keep that rank and they were punished for their rebellion. Judges 1:6...I think Paul is reminding the women of the danger they play with when they reject their "own domain" and "proper sphere."' (McGuiggan p. 149)

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Old Testament