and when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, This is my body, which is for you: this do in remembrance of me.

'he brake it' -the only bread available to Jesus during the Passover, would of been unleavened bread. (Matthew 26:17; Exodus 2:15 ff)

'This is my body' -'There is one simple fact which precludes us from taking this with crude literalism. When Jesus said this He was still in the body; and there was nothing clearer than that His body and the bread at the moment He said this were quite different things.' (Barclay p. 115)

'which is for you' -i.e. given as. sacrifice for your sins.

'do' -'be doing and continue doing' (Vincent p. 251). divine command from Jesus Himself. The Lord's Supper isn't an option.

'in remembrance of me' -'Do this to remember me' (Beck) 'In the biblical sense "remembrance" is more than. mental exercise; it involves. realization of what is remembered.' (F.F. Bruce p. 111)

Points to Note:

1. This statement at the Last Supper implied that Jesus' presence among His disciples in bodily form wasn't to be permanent.

2. This statement also implies that Jesus expected His disciples to partake on. regular basis. (Acts 2:42; Acts 20:7)

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Old Testament