For now we see in. mirror, darkly; but then face to face: now. know in part; but then shall. know fully even as also. was fully known.

'For now' -during the time when the gifts are operational. When revelation is being given part by part. (1 Corinthians 13:9)

'see in. mirror' -Corinth was famous as. producer of some of the finest bronze mirrors in antiquity.

'darkly' -'Lit., in an express obscurely. (Robertson p. 179) 'Dimly' (NASV) 'Lit., means "a riddle", and, then, was used figuratively to describe anything that was unclear.' (Willis p. 467)

Points to Note:

1. People in the First Century did have good quality mirrors. But the word "dimly" suggests that Paul is contrasting what is seen in. poor quality mirror with what is seen in. face to face meeting.

'but then' -when the "perfect" revelation (what the gifts aimed at) arrives.

'face to face' -Note: Nothing is said here about seeing God face to face (what most commentators read into the passage). When the complete revelation of the will of God is achieved-- compared to the spiritual gifts that gave revelation in parts, the completed NT will be like seeing someone face to face, instead of looking in. mirror. Access to. complete NT, had the spiritual gifts beaten any day of the week.

'now. know in part' -(1 Corinthians 13:9) Even the prophets in the O.T. experienced this. (1 Peter 1:10; Romans 15:25; Ephesians 3:2)

'but then' -again, the "now, then" contrast. Then, when all revelation has been delivered and recorded.

'shall. know fully' -a complete revelation=complete knowledge of God's will. 'This doesn't mean that we shall be omniscient as God is; rather, it means that we shall have His full revelation.' (Willis p. 468)

'even as also. was fully known' -'most likely refers to God's way of knowing. God's knowledge of us is immediate--full and direct.' (Fee p. 649) Instead of knowing "in part", instead of being dependent upon some gift for knowledge, the complete revelation of God's word, will give us unlimited access to all truth.

Again,. complete N.T. gave the individual. freer and more direct access to God's truth. He wouldn't have to wait for inspiration, or for the prophets to speak. God's complete revelation could be opened, and the answers to any question or any number of questions could be immediately investigated.

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Old Testament