but we speak God's wisdom in. mystery, even the wisdom that hath been hidden, which God foreordained before the worlds unto our glory:

'in. mystery' -'in the singular the term "mystery" ordinarily refers to something formerly hidden in God from all human eyes but now revealed in history through Christ and made understandable to his people through the Spirit (i.e. through preaching the Spirit's revelation)' (Fee p. 105)

'We speak God's wisdom..by our delivering what has been secret'. (Willis p. 70) (Ephesians 3:1)

'The Greeks had their "mystery religions" and mystery rites. Only the initiated were in on them. But the truth is, they were nothing! They were men playing little boys's games. (Can you think of any organizations like that today?) Passwords, oaths, secret signals, and all the like. All childish "wisdom" wrapped up in childish "mystery". Then there was God's mystery! An "open secret".' [Note:. McGuiggan p. 44]

'even the wisdom that hath been hidden' -hidden at some point in the past, but now revealed. (1 Peter 1:10)

'which God foreordained before the worlds' -'What God determined before the ages, has been worked out in the present age.' (Fee p. 105)

That Jesus Christ would die for the sins of the world, was planned before the foundation of the world. (1 Peter 1:18) It was part of God's eternal purpose. (Ephesians 3:1) Hence, this is no "off the cuff" or, "off the top of the head" wisdom. The gospel reveals. plan that was formulated from eternity. It had been thought through even before the first man was created!

'unto' -'aiming at' (Gr. Ex. N.T. p. 779)

'our glory' -the aim of the gospel is to bring glory to all. (Mark 16:15), and yet, all will not accept it. And even among those that initially embrace it, all do not endure. (Romans 8:17; 2 Timothy 2:11) But for those that remain faithful, in contrast to the rulers of this age who are coming to nought, the faithful Christian has glory to look forward to.

Brethren, what's wrong with some of us? Too many Christians are enthralled with "successful" people who are on the road to eternal ruin!

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Old Testament