but as it is written, Things which eye saw not, and ear heard not, And which entered not into the heart of man, Whatsoever things God prepared for them that love him.

'as it is written' -(Isaiah 2:4 /1 Corinthians 65:17) 'He does not employ the very words, but states the main thought, which emphasizes the inability of man to discover that which God alone can reveal.' (Erdman p. 40)

'entered not into the heart of man' -'no human mind conceived' (Fee p. 107) 'Things beyond our imagining' (NEB).

How bankrupt is the world's wisdom? Well, it's rulers put God to death. And all the world's wisdom over the ages, had never even conceived the ideas that are found in the gospel that Paul preached. The world's wisdom is seen as shallow from the perceptive, that it was God who had to enlighten man as to the facts about this life.

'Whatsoever things God prepared' -'These words do not refer to the unknown glories of heaven, as commonly supposed, but to the way of salvation.. (Erdman p. 40)

Notice the text again. No human eye had ever beheld these "things", no human ear had ever heard them (preached by any philosopher), and no human mind operating with mere human wisdom had ever conceived these "things". It was precisely these "things" that are revealed in the gospel. "Things" such as forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God, redemption, etc...and how to live!

Points to Note:

1. Where does this verse place those religious scholars that claim the Bible has been corrupted? Who claim they can tell the difference between verses in the Gospels that later writers erroneously attributed to Jesus, and the kernel of truth that Jesus really said? It seems they are claiming that they can know God's will without. clear revelation from God! It seems they are claiming to be as close to God, as the Spirit is! (1 Corinthians 2:11) It sure looks as if they are claiming for themselves. quality or condition (infallibility, inspiration), which they deny for the Bible.

2. Where does this verse place people who read the Bible, and then say, 'But. think God will do something different.'? They read Mark 16:16. and then say, 'But. really think that in the end God won't consider baptism to be an essential requirement for salvation'. How do they know? Such claims sound pretty arrogant. In fact, they are claiming to have an "inside track" to God's mind. In reality such claims are saying, "I know what God revealed, but trust me, God feels differently in His heart."

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Old Testament