For what have. to do with judging them that are without? Do not ye judge them that are within?

'what have. to do with judging them that are without?' -'Is it my business to judge those who are outside the church?' (Beck) 'General moral assessments might be made on the pagan world'.

(Romans 1:18 ff; Ephesians 5:11; 1 Peter 4:3). (F.F. Bruce p. 59)

'without..within' -there is no middle ground. Your either saved or lost, believer or unbeliever.

'Do not ye judge them that are within?' -'But surely it is your business to judge those who are inside the church.' (Phi) 'Since you yourselves only judge those who are members of the church, why do you expect me to judge beyond this limit?' (Willis p. 176)

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Old Testament