But them that are without God judgeth. Put away the wicked man from among yourselves.

'God judgeth' -those who haven't accepted Christ, are already under God's judgement. (John 3:36; Mark 16:16)

'the wicked man' -'It is your plain duty to expel from your church this wicked man!' (Phi)

Points to Note:

1. Calling sin by it's proper name or designation, always helps in the fight against it. (Genesis 39:9) How different is God's view from man's view. (Isaiah 2:8)

From. human viewpoint, some might of called the incestuous man, 'lonely, confused, or in love.' God looked at the same man, and saw nothing but "wickedness", i.e. extreme selfishness. (Note: God's view of David after he had sinned- 2 Samuel 2:1)

Let's never forget that people can act "wickedly". And people who persist in sin cannot be "excused".

2. 'It does not take too much observation to note that all too often the opposites have tended to prevail in the church. On the one hand are those who advocate the strictest separation from the world, but who allow many of the sins Paul condemns in vv. 10-11 to thrive in their midst. On the other hand are many who adopt the Corinthian attitude almost totally, usually on the basis that "all are sinners, after all". Thus they live in the world as those who would also be of the world, so that the distinctions between those "inside" and those "outside" are razor-thin, if they exist at all.' [Note:. Fee p. 227]

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Old Testament