1 Corinthians 6 - Introduction

FIRST CORINTHIANS-CHAPTER 6 _ OUTLINE AND COMMENTARY-MARK DUNAGAN_ I. OUTLINE OF CHAPTER SIX: I. Lawsuits: 1 Corinthians 6:1-8 II. Such Were Some of You: 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 III. Liberty and Licence/The Question of Religious Fornication: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 II. INTRODUCTION TO CHAPTER SIX:... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 6:1

DARE ANY OF YOU, HAVING. MATTER AGAINST HIS NEIGHBOR, GO TO LAW BEFORE THE UNRIGHTEOUS, AND NOT BEFORE THE SAINTS? 'Dare' -'does not express the boldness of the act involved but the lack of shame thus shown.' (Lenski p. 234) 'The insulted majesty of Christians is denoted by. grand word.' (Vincent... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 6:2

OR KNOW YE NOT THAT THE SAINTS SHALL JUDGE THE WORLD? AND IF THE WORLD IS JUDGED BY YOU, ARE YE UNWORTHY TO JUDGE THE SMALLEST MATTERS? 'know ye not' -'Was the cause of this obviously sinful conduct reckless disregard for the will of God or ignorance? Could it be possible that the congregation whi... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 6:3

KNOW YE NOT THAT WE SHALL JUDGE ANGELS? HOW MUCH MORE, THINGS THAT PERTAIN TO THIS LIFE? 'Know ye not' -How often does Paul, present this phrase to. congregation that claimed to know it all! (1 Corinthians 6:9) And how often do our actions betray our claim to "know the truth"? How often do our ac... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 6:4

IF THEN YE HAVE TO JUDGE THINGS PERTAINING TO THIS LIFE, DO YE SET THEM TO JUDGE WHO ARE OF NO ACCOUNT IN THE CHURCH? 'If then ye have to judge things pertaining to this life' -'lit., well then, if you have cases pertaining to this life.' (F.F. Bruce p. 60) 'When you have these common quarrels to... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 6:5

1 CORINTHIANS 6:5. SAY THIS TO MOVE YOU TO SHAME. WHAT, CANNOT THERE BE FOUND AMONG YOU ONE WISE MAN WHO SHALL BE ABLE TO DECIDE BETWEEN HIS BRETHREN, 'I say this to move you to shame' -'He means to convict them! He wants them to feel their shame..They prided themselves as men of critical ability.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 6:6

BUT BROTHER GOETH TO LAW WITH BROTHER, AND THAT BEFORE UNBELIEVERS? 'Not only so, but all of this happens right in the open, "in front of unbelievers". (Fee p. 237) 'AND THAT' -calling attention to the worst feature. 'That there should be disputes.. is bad; that Christian should to go law with Chr... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 6:7

NAY, ALREADY IT IS ALTOGETHER. DEFECT IN YOU, THAT YE HAVE LAWSUITS ONE WITH ANOTHER. WHY NOT RATHER TAKE WRONG? WHY NOT RATHER BE DEFRAUDED? 'already it is altogether. defect in you' -'Without going any further, suing one another means you have utterly failed.' (Beck); 'evidence of defeat' (Mof);... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 6:8

NAY, BUT YE YOURSELVES DO WRONG, AND DEFRAUD, AND THAT YOUR BRETHREN. 'but ye yourselves do wrong' -Far from enduring wrong (Matthew 5:40; 1 Peter 2:22), or forfeiting "their rights" for others, they were actually becoming the abusers. In the demand for "justice", they were being unjust to others.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 6:9


1 Corinthians 6:10

NOR THIEVES, NOR COVETOUS, NOR DRUNKARDS, NOR REVILERS, NOR EXTORTIONERS, SHALL INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD. 'thieves' -'The ancient world was cursed with them...The state of the law shows how serious this problem was. There were three kinds of theft which were punishable by death.' (Barclay pp. 58... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 6:11

AND SUCH WERE SOME OF YOU: BUT YE WERE WASHED, BUT YE WERE SANCTIFIED, BUT YE WERE JUSTIFIED IN THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, AND IN THE SPIRIT OF OUR GOD. 'And such were some of you' -'And these are just the characters some of you used to be.' (Wms) Proof positive, that even very addictive... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 6:12

FORNICATION-1 CORINTHIANS 6:12-20: Introductory Comments: 'You'll note that Paul speaks of men in this section (and not women) as committing fornication. And with harlots (not simply women in general-1 Corinthians 6:15). It isn't hard at all to see that these harlots are connected with the heathen... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 6:13

MEATS FOR THE BELLY, AND THE BELLY FOR MEATS: BUT GOD SHALL BRING TO NOUGHT BOTH IT AND THEM. BUT THE BODY IS NOT FOR FORNICATION, BUT FOR THE LORD; AND THE LORD FOR THE BODY: 'Meats for the belly' -'Food is for the stomach' (NASV) This may have been. slogan that some in Corinth were using. Appar... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 6:14

AND GOD BOTH RAISED THE LORD, AND WILL RAISE UP AS THROUGH HIS POWER. Demonstrating the dignity and destiny of the human body. 'The body is not for fornication but for the Lord; and it is not destined for destruction but for resurrection, the proof of which is Christ's resurrection.' (Fee p. 255)... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 6:15

KNOW YE NOT THAT YOUR BODIES ARE MEMBERS OF CHRIST? SHALL. THEN TAKE AWAY THE MEMBERS OF CHRIST, AND MAKE THEM MEMBERS OF. HARLOT? GOD FORBID. 'Know ye not' -'Again it is implied that they had learned this already.' (F.F. Bruce p. 64) 'YOUR BODIES ARE MEMBERS OF CHRIST?' -individual Christians co... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 6:16

OR KNOW YE NOT THAT HE THAT IS JOINED TO. HARLOT IS ONE BODY? FOR, THE TWAIN, SAITH HE, SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH. 'is one body' -'the fornicative act makes one single body of the two' (Lenski p. 263) And the proof of this? 'FOR, THE TWAIN, SAITH HE, SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH'. Genesis 2:24 _ Points... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 6:17

BUT HE THAT IS JOINED UNTO THE LORD IS ONE SPIRIT. When "joined" the Lord in the act of faith expressed in baptism,. took upon myself the obligation to become "one spirit" with Him. Because that's true, consistency would require that. conduct myself in. way that accords with the "will" of Christ. ... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 6:18

FLEE FORNICATION. EVERY SIN THAT. MAN DOETH IS WITHOUT THE BODY; BUT HE THAT COMMITTETH FORNICATION SINNETH AGAINST HIS OWN BODY. 'Flee fornication' -'Don't debate with it. Don't rationalize about it. Run!' (McGuiggan p. 80) 'An echo, perhaps, of Joseph's literal fleeing from. temptation of this k... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 6:19

OR KNOW YE NOT THAT YOUR BODY IS. TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT WHICH IS IN YOU, WHICH YE HAVE FROM GOD? AND YE ARE NOT YOUR OWN; 'Or know ye not' -it appears that each "know ye not" introduces another point in Paul's argumentation. As if Paul were saying, "And if that didn't convince you..or..and if... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 6:20

FOR YE WERE BOUGHT WITH. PRICE: GLORIFY GOD THEREFORE IN YOUR BODY. 'for' -proof and justification for the statement, 'ye are not your own.' 'BOUGHT WITH. PRICE' -the price being, the blood of Christ. (1 Peter 1:18; Matthew 20:28 'ransom'). Incidently, since the Church at Corinth was composed of p... [ Continue Reading ]

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