The wife hath not power over her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power over his own body, but the wife.

'power' -1850. exousiazo ex-oo-see-ad'-zo; from 1849; to control: -exercise authority upon, bring under the (have) power of. 'The wife does not have the right to do as she pleases with her own body' (Wms). 'The wife cannot claim her body as her own' (NEB)

'likewise' -'In wedlock separate ownership of the person ceases.' (Robertson p. 124) 'In regard to the sexual relation both are on the same level. both have equally lost their authority or right over their body... All false, individualistic independence on the part of either wife or husband is barred out.' (Lenski p. 276)

'A person in. marriage relationship does not have the authority over his own body as he had prior to his marriage...the satisfaction of one's own personal whims is not even second to the desires of Jesus!' (Willis p. 212)

Points to Note:

1. Don't marry someone, unless you are prepared to give them "authority" over your own body. This reveals that marriage is only for those who are unselfish enough to place themselves in third place (behind Jesus and their mate). As one writer said,. Marriage is for the Mature '.

2.. still like what McGuiggan said about being "one flesh"-'the expression "one flesh" is not speaking of what happens at the moment. husband makes love to his wife. It is because the man and woman become one flesh in marriage that they have the right to sexual power over one another (1 Corinthians 7:4). Genesis 2:24 isn't saying: "For this cause shall. man leave father and mother and cleave unto his wife and the two shall unite their bodies sexually." Genesis 2:24 is saying: "For this cause shall. man leave father and mother and cleave unto his wife and the two will no longer regard themselves as INDEPENDENT of other another but that together they are one entity. And because they are not independent one of another, they have power over one another sexually. And this sexual act is specifically ordained of God to express, as nothing else does, the closeness of their relationship.' (p. 79)

3. This verse reveals how shallow and self-centered some marriages are. Marriage was designed to be more than. financial arrangement, more than. way that two people could own. home, more than. friendship, more than simple companionship, more than an arrangement to care for children. It is. relationship in which you completely give yourself to another person. Now that's. marriage! Everything else is 'just playing house'.

4. This verse also reveals that the phrase "marriage of convenience", isn't an accurate expression. Considering the work and unselfishness demanded in the marriage relationship (Ephesians 5:22; 1 Peter 3:7), marriage isn't "convenient or easy!"

5. Now someone has probably been asking themselves, is this verse teaching that one can have sexual relations with their mate any time and in any way they want? In response. offer the following quote:

'I know that there are books written by Christian leaders who say that basically anything is legal in the bedroom, but. would have to disagree. As we discussed in Chapter 2, at the heart of love is. decision to honor. person--to count him or her as incredibly valuable. Forcing my wife to violate her conscience to please my sexual appetite is absolutely wrong and an invitation to sexual problems. Regardless of the "no holds barred" pictures of pornography that are painted throughout our culture as being "acceptable" some forms of sexual behaviour are dishonoring. To ask. spouse to perform. sexual act that is wrong or repulsive to him or her is to show at least. degree of insensitively or even. lack of love.' [Note:. Love is. Decision. pp. 155-156, Gary Smalley.]

At the same time, we need to warn the mate that might to tempted to place all forms of sexual activity into the violation of conscience category. Paul didn't! Paul realized that. realm of sexual activity exists, that doesn't violate the consciences of husbands or wives and that both can participate in.

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Old Testament