But she is happier if she abide as she is, after my judgment: and. think that. also have the Spirit of God.

'happier' -i.e. in view of the present circumstances.

'abide as she is' -single.

'after my judgement' -probably referring back to Paul's "reasons" in 1 Corinthians 7:28-35. Note: In another circumstance, Paul advised widows to marry. (1 Timothy 5:14)

'and. think that. also have the Spirit of God' -'Apparently some who were giving their advice in Corinth asserted that they were inspired. Hence, Paul emphatically asserted that he also had the Spirit of God in giving the counsel which he gave. This last clause is. claim to inspiration. This chapter cannot be set aside as uninspired judgement. Rather, we must recognize it as the revelation of God. In that revelation of God, some types of conduct were optional--not required of all men. This is the proper understanding of Paul's "judgements" in this chapter.' (Willis p. 259)

'It is the language of modesty, not misgiving.' (Gr. Ex. N.T. p. 838)

'I think (whatever others may say of me) that. also have (an inspiration of) the Spirit of God.' (Erdman p. 86)

Fee has. good comment when he says, 'vv 36-38 are not. judgement on marriage or singleness per se at all...It has nothing to do with good or evil, or even with better or worse, but with good and better in the light of that situation. It is perhaps noteworthy that the entire discussion is carried on quite apart from one of the major considerations in our culture-- love of one another.. (p. 357).

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Old Testament