But this. say by way of concession, not of commandment.

'concession' -4774. suggnome soong-gno'-may; from. compound of 4862 and 1097; fellow knowledge, i.e. concession: -permission. '

The question that arises is what in the previous verses is. "concession" and not. "command"? Something that is allowed but not commanded. Now, while marriage isn't "commanded" (Paul didn't command everyone to get married). Marriage is "commanded" if one wishes to engage in sexual activity. In the previous context, the "concession" is the mutually determined period of abstinence. 'Paul does not command couples to have such periods of devotion but he does allow them under the conditions given in verse 5.' (Willis p. 215)

'It is the temporary abstinence, not the 'coming together again', that is permitted as. concession; regular marital relations are recognized as the norm. Far from being the discourager of marriage that he is popularly supposed to be...' (F.F. Bruce pp. 67-68)

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Old Testament