But if they have not continency, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.

'But' -'But he insists again on people being sensible about their personal limitations.' (McGuiggan p. 96)

'than to burn' -'to burn is. present to indicate. recurrent condition'. (Lenski p. 284) 'Continuous present: to burn on: continuance in unsatisfied desire.' (Vincent p. 218) 'to be consumed with the fire of sexual desire..the present tense of the verb precludes the possibility of this referring to the future punishment of the fires of Gehenna (even though such would also be true, i.e. it is better to marry than be consumed by lust that will send you to hell- Matthew 5:28)' (Willis p. 219)

Point to Note:

Paul doesn't become so "theological" that he ceases to preach. "practical" message. Paul gets to the bottom line. 'Paul is discussing no sentimental, economical, social, or even providential features connected with marriage..He is counselling consciences on how to avoid sin.' [Note:. Lenski p. 284]

Before we move on, another point needs to be considered. The Bible doesn't give couples. definite time for an engagement period before marriage. And these verses give the reason. Everyone is different. So in setting the wedding date, keep in mind your own "gift", and make sure that the date you set, is the date within reach of your own level of self-control.


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Old Testament