1 Peter 2:21 ‘For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps,'

‘For you have been called for this purpose' -‘Indeed it was to this kind of living that you were called' (Wms); ‘That is the life to which you have been called' (Gspd). Trusting God, patiently enduring mistreatment, and doing good, even when it brings suffering, is the type of life to which Christians are called (Acts 14:22; 2 Timothy 3:12; John 15:18; John 16:33).

‘since Christ also suffered for you' -This statement should silence every complaint or grumbling we might have concerning the previous verses! 1. Our sins brought tremendous suffering upon Jesus (1 Peter 3:18). Hence, we can't complain and should never feel sorry for ourselves, when we suffer as the result of another's sinful ways or attitude. 2. Barclay notes, ‘He suffered in order to bring men back to God. And it may be that, when the Christian suffers insult and injury with uncomplaining steadfastness and unfailing love, he sets such an example and shows such. life to others, that that example and that life will lead others to God. It may be that the sufferings of the Christian also can lead men to God, and can be. real and true sharing in the redemptive sufferings of Christ.' (p. 255) 3. What this says, is that every experience of suffering can be made into something very positive! For the Christian, hardship and suffering never have to be in vain.

‘leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps'. 1 Corinthians 11:1. ‘Follow'-to follow closely. POINTS TO NOTE: 1. Increasingly we are hearing people say, ‘But God wants me to be happy. God wouldn't want me to remain in this marriage, if such meant that. would be unhappy, etc…' 2. When people talk about ‘the love of Jesus', they also need to remember the example of Jesus. ‘Love' is never. valid excuse in choosing sinful options to avoid suffering. 3. People need to be thankful that Jesus doesn't think the way they think. If He had, He would have never died for our sins.

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Old Testament