1 Peter 2:5 ‘you also, as living stones, are being built up as. spiritual house for. holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.'

‘you also' -Similar to the vine and the branches comparison (John 15:1 ff), Jesus is the chief cornerstone upon whom are Christians are said to be built upon.

‘as living stones' -‘Note that this building requires living stones---those that have life, vigor, and vitality…There is no place for dead bricks in Christ's living tabernacle, the church. We are not, as in the old temple stones, plastered permanently into. wall! If we fail to be “doers of the word” (James 1:22) we will be rejected, not of men, perhaps, but God, the Master Builder.' (Oberst p. 99)

‘built up as. spiritual house' -This house is the Church (1 Timothy 3:15). The foundation of this house is Jesus Himself (Matthew 16:18; 1 Corinthians 3:11; Ephesians 2:20). One is added to this relationship upon baptism (Acts 2:38; Acts 2:41; Acts 2:47). As God had only one Temple, in like manner, God has only one household (Ephesians 2:19). Both the tabernacle (Exodus 2:9) and the temple (1 Chronicles 28:11), were built according to an exact pattern. In like manner, the Church is also constructed according to. pattern (1 Timothy 3:15).

‘for. holy priesthood' -This is what God had desired for Israel (Exodus 2:6). **'There is not. body of priests within the body of Christ, the church, separate and apart from other members of the body.' (Hamilton p. 72) Upon conversion, each Christian is. priest (Revelation 1:6; Revelation 5:10), and therefore each Christian is expected to offer something to God. This also infers, that each Christian has direct access to God through Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 2:5).

POINT TO NOTE: In the Old Testament, before serving in the tabernacle or temple, the priests had to first wash in the laver (Exodus 2:17). In like manner, before one can serve as. priest in the house of God, one must also be washed, by submitting to baptism (Titus 3:5) and coming in contact with the blood of Christ.

‘to offer up spiritual sacrifices' -1. ‘To offer up'-The usual term in the O.T. for offering of sacrifice, lit., to bring up to the altar. 2. ‘Spiritual sacrifices'-in contrast to the material and animal sacrifices in the Old Testament. Such sacrifices include giving our bodies in serving God (Romans 12:1), singing and praying (Hebrews 13:15; Psalms 141:2); and doing what we can to help in spreading the gospel (1 Peter 4:18).

‘acceptable to God' -1. God's standard hasn't changed. As He required the best among the animals offered to Him in the O.T. (Malachi 1:6), God requires the best of our efforts in serving Him. 2. This infers that God isn't obligated to accept all that is offered to Him. Unacceptable worship still exists, including worship which is unauthorized (Leviticus 10:1; 1 Samuel 2:1; Matthew 15:1);worship that isn't from the heart (1 Corinthians 13:1); or worship which is engaged in with. careless attitude (1 Corinthians 11:27).

‘through Jesus Christ' -Jesus is the only mediator between God and man. Therefore we must always, as Christians, reject every human attempt to form. group of human mediators to which Christians must go to find favor with God, i.e. prayer or discipleship partners, Catholic priests, etc..

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Old Testament