“When they are saying, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon. woman with child; and they shall in no wise escape”

“When”: Which connects 1 Thessalonians 1:3 with everything that has proceeded, all the way back to 1 Thessalonians 4:13. "When" Jesus comes and Christians are raised and changed (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17), the unbelievers will have been saying "peace and safety", therefore we do not have two or three comings of Jesus involving different groups of people. Instead one coming in which both the righteous and the wicked are involved (John 5:28; 2 Thessalonians 1:7). “They are saying”: The unbelievers are saying this in the time period before Jesus arrives. “Peace and safety”: “All is quiet and safe” (TCNT). “Present active” (Robertson p. 34). “Safety”:. word that means security, certainty and safety. “It is an unusual word with. basic meaning like ‘that cannot be shaken'” (Morris p. 153). “They will be rejoicing in. fancied security right up to the very moment of the disaster. Moffatt brings this out by rendering, ‘when all's well' and 'all is safe' are on the lips of men” (Morris p. 153).

Various contributing factors to this false security are noted in the Scriptures: Religious teachers who tell people that they do not have to worry (Jeremiah 2:14). The passage of time (2 Peter 3:8).. materialistic view of life, that is, nothing supernatural has ever happened on this planet (2 Peter 3:4). Preoccupation with the physical things of life (Matthew 24:37). The same people who just never seem to have the "time" to serve God are the same people who will not be prepared when Jesus does come. Consider that. supposed coming of Jesus following. years of all out world war (the great tribulation) does not fit this context for the people on this planet are saying, "peace and safety" right before Jesus comes!

“Then sudden destruction cometh upon them”: “Destruction shall come upon them in. moment” (Con). Groups like the Jehovah Witnesses are always trying to get the idea of annihilation into the word "destruction", that is, hell for the wicked is complete annihilation, yet the same groups also believe that one ceases to exist at death. So what can God do to. person that man cannot? If someone kills you, then they have completely ended your existence (according to their doctrine) (Matthew 10:28), seeing that death and hell are both non-existence. “As travail”:. pang or throe, especially of childbirth. “As birth pangs of. pregnant woman” (Phi). “And they shall in no wise escape”: “When the time has come, what is in the womb must come forth. The travail cannot be avoided. It will be completely impossible for men to escape, and Paul does not leave this to be inferred, but states it categorically. It still needs emphasis that there are no other alternatives than life with the Lord or eternal loss. One or the other is inevitable” (Morris p. 154). “So, putting the two metaphors together, we may say that Christ's coming will be (1) sudden and unexpected and (2) sudden and unavoidable. In the first case there will be no warning, and in the second no escape” (Stott p. 109). Obviously then, everyone will not be right with God when Jesus comes, therefore the idea that God will end up saving everyone is false (Matthew 7:13; Matthew 21:1; Matthew 22:1; Matthew 23:1).

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Old Testament