“But. do not allow”: Seeing that Paul spoke by inspiration (1 Corinthians 14:37), this is something that God does not allow as well.

1 Timothy 2:12 “A woman to teach or exercise authority over. man”:

1. The term “man” in the above verse means. male adult in distinction from. woman.

2. We know that woman are allow to teach other women, in fact they are commanded to do so (Titus 2:3).

3. Thus the teaching role that is forbidden to women is that of assuming. position of authority as. teacher over men, such as preaching or teaching. mixed class of female and male adults.

4. The verse implies that the position of. teacher of men and women is. position of authority (Titus 2:15; 1 Timothy 4:11; 1 Timothy 6:2).

1 Timothy 2:12 “To teach”: The word “teach” is. present tense infinitive, implying continual, habitual and repeated action. In the presence of men or answering. question in class, women often say things that provide instruction to men, what is forbidden is the role as the official teacher of the class. Thus in the case of Priscilla and Acquila instructing Apollos (Acts 18:26),. woman can give her input and make comments, but she is not to assume the role as the teacher of the class. The same would be true of home bible studies. The woman can assist in the discussion, but she cannot lead the class when men are present.

1 Timothy 2:12 “Or exercise authority over”: The expression means to govern another, to have authority over. Thus women are prohibited from taking the lead in the public worship services, including offering public prayers, preaching, serving the Lord's Supper, and so on.

Point to Note:

Some have tried to argue that. woman can preach as long as the men of the congregation give her permission, yet God has already overruled the men of the congregation in the above verse, “I do not permit”. Others have argued that. woman can preach as long as she does not exercise authority over the men. The problem with this view is that preaching and teaching are inherently authoritative acts (Acts 13:1; Ephesians 4:11). The preacher or teacher is assuming. role that has authority (Titus 2:15).

1 Timothy 2:12 “But to remain quiet”: Same as verse 11. Compare with Luke 10:30.

Point to Note:

One question that arises at this point in the discussion is does the teaching in the above verse have any application outside the assembly in the secular realm. That is, can. Christian woman teach and exercise authority over men, both Christian and non-Christian in the work place? First, such. discussion needs to first deal with the role of. woman outside the home and passages such as 1 Timothy 5:14 and Titus 2:5. Secondly, nothing is truly “secular” for the Christian. Christian men are expected to have “holy hands” not only in reference to worship but also in reference to any other aspect of their lives, including working at. secular job (Ephesians 6:5). In addition,. believe that all would concede that. Christian woman is expected to dress modestly both in and outside the assembly, and that. woman needs to have. meek and quiet spirit in every place (1 Peter 3:2). Just as men need to realize that they need to treat all women with courtesy and respect, and be willing to defend any woman who is being threatened, it would seem logical that. woman is not given the right to depart from her role just because she finds herself in. different setting. If men are expected to be gentlemen and sacrificial leaders in all places, then would it not follow that women are expected to be ladies on all occasions?

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Old Testament