“Those who have believers as their masters”: Verse. was dealing with Christian slaves who had unbelieving masters, now we have instruction to slaves who had Christian masters.

1 Timothy 6:2 “Must not be disrespectful to them because they are brethren”: “A Christian slave who had. Christian master might be inclined to think, ‘If my master is really. Christian, how can he keep me as his slave?'” (Reese p. 263). In addition, such. slave might be under the impression that his master should grant him his freedom because he was. Christian, or that his master should grant him certain exemptions and show him favoritism. Note, nothing is said concerning the master being commanded to free all his slaves.

1 Timothy 6:2 “Disrespectful”: From. Greek word which means to think down upon, to think less of someone.

1 Timothy 6:2 “But must serve them all the more”: “If. slave is in the exceptionally privileged position of having. Christian master (as compared to his lot when he had. pagan master), then let the slave render exceptional service! The slave of the Christian master has even more reason to render service” (Reese p. 263).

1 Timothy 6:2 “But must serve them all the more, because those who partake of the benefit”: The “benefit” under consideration seems to be the service rendered by the slave. “A slave is under obligation to render service to any master. The fact that his master is. Christian should inspire him to render even better service, since the one who receives ‘the benefit' of his hearty service is ‘believing and beloved'” (Hiebert p. 108).

1 Timothy 6:2 “Are believers and beloved”: The slave needs to be reminded that God sees his Christian master as “faithful”, that is. believer. In addition, such. master is beloved by God and should be beloved by the servant. The Christian slave needs to remember that the person benefiting from his labor is. fellow Christian!

“Although slavery does not exist in America, the responsibility of conduct is the same for employees and employers” (Reese p. 265).

In modern times some Christians have made the mistake of thinking that if they go into business or work for another Christian, that such. Christian should either pay them more than the other workers, cut them some slack or overlook poor work or false promises.

1 Timothy 6:2 “Teach and preach these principles”: This is an obvious contrast with the next verse. Timothy is to faithfully teach the truth in contrast to those who will not. Compare with 1 Timothy 4:11 and 1 Timothy 5:7. In spite of the fact that some slaves would not like the teaching in 1 Timothy 6:1-2, Timothy must still teach these things. “It was the duty of Timothy to teach and guard the Christian slaves against the doctrine and spirit of servile insurrection, then so widely and disastrously threatening the foundations of society in the Roman world” (Hiebert p. 108).

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Old Testament