“If anyone”: Does not matter who they are, or what reputation among Christians they may have (Galatians 1:6). The word “if” reminds us that there are such men (2 Peter 2:1).

1 Timothy 6:3 “Advocates”: False doctrines do end up being taught and advocated, error does not remain silent.

1 Timothy 6:3 “A different doctrine”: That is. doctrine that deviates from the truth (1 Timothy 1:3), as distinguished from another doctrine of the same kind. “Modern indifference to doctrine is not an apostolic trait. Paul exhibits no toleration whatever toward those who deviate from the well-defined standard of truth” (Kent pp. 191-192). Note, that. different doctrine is. different gospel (Galatians 1:6).

1 Timothy 6:3 “And does not agree with sound words”: The word “agree” means “to consent to, agree with,. drawing nigh”. The reason that such. person teaches. different doctrine is because they are refusing to submit to what God says is the truth. The root of so much false teaching is simply. refusal to accept what Jesus taught as the final word on the matter. “Pictures the act of one who confidingly accepts another's offer” (Hiebert p. 110). “The verb is. little stronger than ‘consent' or ‘agree with'.. mere listener may eventually agree with the words of. speaker. An enthusiastic listener will ‘come over to' or ‘join' the speaker” (Reese p. 267). Do we merely put up with sound doctrine or do we embrace it? “Sound words” are healthy, true and incorrupt. Paul often emphasizes “sound teaching” or “sound doctrine” (1 Timothy 1:10; 2 Timothy 1:13; 2 Timothy 4:3; Titus 1:9; Titus 2:1).

1 Timothy 6:3 “Those of our Lord Jesus Christ”: Paul spoke by inspiration as did the other apostles and New Testament prophets. Paul noted that what he wrote were the words of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 14:37). Compare with Hebrews 1:1; Revelation 1:1 and John 16:13. This would include not only what Jesus taught in the gospels, but also what He revealed through the apostles as well (2 Peter 3:2 “the commandment of the Lord and Savior spoken by your apostles”).

1 Timothy 6:3 “And with the doctrine conforming to godliness”: The word “conforming” means “of the end aimed at; the goal to which anything tends” (Thayer p. 329). “Promoting (designed for) godliness” (Roberson p. 592). The doctrine that ends in godliness, that promotes it, and that it is consistent with. Sound doctrine promotes and creates unity, health, maturity, understanding, morality and so on, while false doctrine promotes division, and all sorts of ungodly things. “True doctrine is inseparable from and conducive to godliness” (Hiebert p. 110). Remember,”godliness” includes respect and reverence towards God, and healthy doctrine produces people who are humble and submit to God's will.

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Old Testament