“But those who want to get rich”: Here is the danger of seeking wealth as the prime end of life. “Paul shows what happens to people who do not have this attitude of Christian contentment” (Hiebert p. 113). Remember, Paul is not simply talking about people in the world who desire to be rich, but Christians and teachers in the Church who place gaining wealth as the chief end in life.

1 Timothy 6:9 “Fall into temptation and. snare”: All men are tempted, but this is the person who has fallen into. state of temptation, that is who is yielding to one temptation after another. The term “snare” means. “trap”. The word “fall” is also in the present tense, suggesting. continual falling. This desire to be rich at all costs brings one temptation to compromise after another. Thus they are tempted to sacrifice morality, principles, honesty, kindness and friendship to get ahead. “When top priority is given to amassing riches, such things as honesty, generosity, and helpfulness have to take second place, or third or fourth place!” (Reese p. 277).

1 Timothy 6:9 “And. snare”: “The idea here is that they who have this desire to become rich become so entangled that they cannot easily escape. In their efforts to make money, they can no longer be free men. They find themselves entrapped in temptation to lie, cheat, steal, to sell products they know to be harmful…” (Reese p. 277). Please note also that many people who desire to get rich-never reach the goal. For every greedy person who reached the top there are thousands who found themselves entrapped in one bad business deal after another, or falling for one scam after another. There are many people in our current society who are willing to take advantage of and exploit the person who wants to get rich quick.

1 Timothy 6:9 “And many foolish”: Greed will move. person to make unwise choices, and such desires are foolish in the sense that they do not yield the happiness they promised. In addition, people infected by greed often live in an unreal world,. world in which they demand that every desire they have be fulfilled and that the things they possess bring them happiness. It is foolish to believe that money can make us happy and it is equally foolish to believe that we deserve that every desire we have be fulfilled in the exact way in which we demand. Added to this, greed creates the false illusion that material possessions bring with them security and safety.

1 Timothy 6:9 “And harmful desires”: Greed is often very harmful to oneself and others. “They do great damage to one's character and spiritual life, and they dissipate one's energies and call away one's interest from spiritual activity. The desires are hurtful because they destroy relationships that are rich and full” (Reese p. 278). Such desires are harmful because they destroy what is best in man. “Making them envious, avaricious, and hardhearted in their unscrupulous dealings” (Hiebert p. 114).

1 Timothy 6:9 “Which plunge men into ruin and destruction”: The term here rendered “plunge” or “drown” refers not merely to. person drowning, but of. wreck, where the ship and all that is in it go down together (Barnes p. 199). The terms “ruin” and “destruction” refer to utter ruin. Some believe that the distinction here is between the ruin in this life, that is, the total ruin of happiness, virtue, reputation, marriage, family and the destruction that awaits in eternity. “It gives the picture of these lusts overwhelming the man, like the waves covering. sinking ship, and plunging him into perdition” (Hiebert p. 114). Compare with Proverbs 1:19; Proverbs 15:27; Proverbs 10:2; Proverbs 15:6; Proverbs 15:16; Proverbs 16:8; Proverbs 28:22.

The ruin mentioned in the above verse also would involve personal unhappiness and misery, for the person who desires to be rich above all else, is never satisfied even if they become rich (Ecclesiastes 2:10). In reaching this goal they often have sacrificed everything else that is of true and lasting value (Ecclesiastes 2:8). Life is tragic for the person who has plenty to live on but nothing to live for.

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Old Testament