2 Peter 3:6 ‘through which the world at that time was destroyed, being flooded with water.'

‘through which' -‘and that by the same means the world which then existed was destroyed in. deluge of water' (TCNT) ‘literally, through which things' (plural). The same means that brought about the dry land upon which the false teachers were presently standing, is the same means which destroyed mankind in the past, i.e. the all-powerful Word of God and water. (Genesis 7:11)

‘the world at that time' -Obviously, the physical features of this world were greatly altered by the flood (Genesis 7:11). The ‘world' here would also include the inhabitants of the world. This is simply another proof that the flood was. world-wide flood (2 Peter 2:5 ‘spared not the ancient world..').

‘was destroyed' -(1 Peter 1:7; 2 Peter 3:9). Carefully note that the word ‘destroyed' doesn't inherently mean annihilation. The thought isn't extinction, but ruin. As Vine notes, it is the loss “not of being but of well-being”.

‘being flooded with water' -‘to inundate' (Vine p. 151) From the Greek word ‘flooded' we derive our English word ‘cataclysm'.

Points to Note:

. local or regional flood would be. very poor analogy to the Second Coming. 2. As the book of Genesis records, this flood was universal in scope (Genesis 7:21). 3. To argue that the flood was an allegory or. myth, with only. kernel of truth, would be playing into the hands of the false teachers. Let the reader be aware that God links the flood with the Second Coming. If the first event never happened, then what assurance do we have for the second event ever happening? God is letting us know that the flood is just as real as the Second Coming, they both stand or fall together. 4. If the book of Genesis is myth---there heaven doesn't exist. It's just that simple.

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Old Testament