“who shall suffer punishment, even eternal destruction from the face of the Lord and from the glory of His might”

“Who”: The groups just previously mentioned, this would include everyone outside of Christ. Non-Christians are composed of two basic groups, those who are ignorant and those who have heard enough of the gospel message to reject it. People often complain that it is "unjust" for God to punish those ignorant of Him, yet mankind punishes the ignorant all the time. Being ignorant of. tax law, speed law and so on is not an excuse in our own courts. “Shall”: This is definite, God will not change His mind. “Suffer punishment”: Sin is so awful that it demands, it morally cries out for punishment (Romans 6:23; Ezekiel 2:20). “Even”: The specific punishment coming upon those outside of Christ at the last day. “Eternal”: Hell is just as long as Heaven (Matthew 25:46). “This punishment of destruction is never ending; it is unlimited. There is no way. person can force into this word. period of time that would eventually end” (Denton Lectureship p. 238). “Destruction”: Some groups try to argue that the word "destruction" means annihilation, that is, hell is simply. cessation of existence. Actually the word does not mean an end of existence or being, but. loss of well-being. “The loss of all that is worthwhile, utter ruin” (Morris p. 205). See Mark 9:43.

“From the face of the Lord and from the glory of His might”: “Banished from the presence of the Lord” (TCNT). “Forever shut away from” (Tay). “Never to see the glory of His power” (Tay). Here we see the real terror of Hell. The non-Christian will be forever removed from God's presence. All good things come from God (James 1:17). Hell is. place completely cut off from all blessings. No happiness, joy, peace, contentment, and rest. In this life, at least the rebellious still receive God's physical blessings (Luke 6:35). Ending up lost means, ending up eternally separated from your Creator, from the true Father of the real you (Hebrews 12:9). It means that one will never find the real purpose of one's existence, and hence eternally cut off from any hopes of fulfillment, happiness, contentment, satisfaction, meaning, purpose. The same truth is taught, when Jesus will say to the unrepentant, “depart from Me” (Matthew 7:23). See also Matthew 8:12; Luke 13:27 f; Matthew 25:30; Matthew 25:41.

Morris notes, “Those who oppose the things of God here and now are not engaged in some minor error which can easily be put right in the hereafter. Life here and now has. high and serious dignity” (p. 206).

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