“and with all deceit of unrighteousness for them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved”

“And with”: In addition to the false miraculous claims. “All”: Every form or type of deception that evil can muster. “For them that perish”: Paul is now talking about those people who are lead astray by this apostasy. First of all, they will perish, and even religious people can end up lost (Matthew 7:22). “Because”: The reason they end up deceived, and observe there is no predestination here. The lost are responsible for their own lost condition. They do not perish because they were destined to perish, rather, they perish because they heard the truth, or could have heard it, but they did not love it. “They received not the love of the truth”: In the context, they preferred deception, instead of the truth. They ended up deceived, because they "received" the lies they were being told. They did not want the real truth of the matter (2 Timothy 4:3). “Still there are people who have known the truth, but are restless and desire to know things that God has not revealed. They are always looking for something novel and spectacular” (Fields p. 208). To love the truth is the same thing as embracing what the Bible teaches (John 17:17; Proverbs 23:23). Being convicted that the Bible accurately gives us the views of God and everything that God has said (Psalms 119:128). The following passages describe in more detail what "the love of the truth" looks like in practical application (Psalms 19:7; Psalms 119:1). This verse infers that all religious people do not have. love of the truth.

“That they might be saved”: This infers that one cannot be saved, unless one embraces the truth found in God's word (Romans 10:17). Salvation is conditional and one cannot separate believing the right "doctrine" from salvation (2 John 1:9). The devil loves it when people are told that “it doesn't matter what you believe just as long as you are sincere”.

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Old Testament