“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all”

Concluding Comments

“Paul's repeated commands, with their expectation of obedience, also condemn those churches whose attitude to the Word of God appears to be subjective and selective. They wander at random through Scripture, choosing. verse here and discarding. verse there. Let not such. church imagine that it will receive the blessing of the Lord! For to despise the Word of the Lord is to despise the Lord of the Word, to distrust his faithfulness and to disregard his authority. To which kind of church do we belong? Is its attitude to Scripture principled or unprincipled, obedient or disobedient? Can we say from the heart ‘Let the Word of the Lord run and be honored throughout the world' and ‘Let the Word of the Lord be honored and obeyed in the church?'” (Stott p. 199).

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Old Testament