Acts 10:22; Acts 16:2. 'These seven must be men of honorable reputation, so that their probity might command complete confidence.' (Bruce p. 128). Having the reputation for being fair-minded and honest.


Point to Note:

Some commentators take the above expression to mean, 'men who had spiritual gifts'. But note: (a) Prior to the apostles laying their hands upon these men (Acts 6:6); this book has been silent concerning any other than an apostle working the miracles (See Acts 1:43; Acts 5:12). It is not until hands are laid upon these men, does the writer mention that they performed miracles (Acts 6:8; Acts 8:5) (b) We know that spiritual gifts were imparted by or through the laying on of their hands (Acts 8:18). (c) Thus, it seems to me that "full of the Spirit" in the above verse means. life that was bearing the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22).

'AND OF WISDOM'-i.e. full of wisdom. 4678. sophia sof-ee'-ah; from 4680; wisdom (higher or lower, worldly or spiritual): -wisdom.

-'The idea seems to be prudence, or skill, to be able to make. wise and equitable distribution so as to give no offense in their ministrations.' (Reese p. 251)

-'competent in administration and also qualified to deal wisely with. situation in which there were such delicate human susceptibilities to consider.' (Bruce p. 128)

-'practical sagacity, good sense, and sound judgement' (Boles p. 96)

'WHOM WE MAY APPOINT OVER THIS BUSINESS'-The congregation selects, the apostles appoint. Notice how the apostles "delegated" responsibilities and some oversight of congregational matters. Hence, it is certainly appropriate for elders today to delegate certain responsibilities and areas that need to be taken care of to deacons.

Point to Note:

From other passages we learn that this wasn't the only area of service that these men could engage in (Acts 6:10; Acts 8:5). Reese notes, 'Thus today, when men are chosen to the function of deacon (or any other-MD), we should make no attempt to shut them off from any area of usefulness for which they have talent and desire.' (p. 252)

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Old Testament