"But Peter raised him up, saying, Stand up;. myself also am. man" The intentions of Cornelius were sincere, but his knowledge was imperfect. Notice that Peter did not believe that sincerity makes up for. lack of truth. From the fact that Jesus never told the people that worshipped Him to get up, we may conclude that Jesus accepted such worship, because He is God (Matthew 4:10; Matthew 15:25). Even angels refuse to be worshipped by human beings (Revelation 22:8). Notice the humility of Peter. He was an apostle, and yet he clearly understood that he was not an object of worship. He did not deserve the reverence that only God deserves. The actions of Peter and the actions of the Pope are quite different. What Peter (an apostle) refused, the Pope actually accepts. We should also note that various religious leaders have assumed the title of "Reverend", yet this title is only used of God in the Scriptures (Psalms 111:9).

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Old Testament