"And this she did for many days. But Paul, being sore troubled, turned and said to the spirit,. charge thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And it came out that very hour"Being sore troubled" "Worn out, both grieved at the sad condition of the woman, and thoroughly annoyed and indignant at the continued demonstrations of the evil spirit which possessed her" (Vincent p. 532). Her cries probably were also proving. hindrance to his teaching efforts. In addition, such testimony from. demon was not appreciated. Paul was trying to distinguish Christ from all the other religions in town and this testimony was linking the preaching of the gospel too closely with the occult. "If Paul had continued permitting her to tell about the missionary party, people would have begun to think, 'They're all alike! Birds of. feather flock together'" (Reese p. 582). Jesus did not appreciate the testimony of demons either (Mark 1:23). "It came out that very hour" "At that very moment" (NASV). This casting out was. far greater proof that these men were from God than the cries of the demon had been. Please note the "ease" at which the miracles were performed. Compare this case of "exorcism" which what is labeled as exorcism today. No long drawn out ceremony, no religious objects or symbols needed, and no repeated attempts.

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Old Testament