"And he took them the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes; and was baptized, he and all his, immediately" "Same hour of the night" The jailer found. place where he could quickly cleanse the wounds that had been inflicted upon the backs of Paul and Silas. "Washed their stripes" Which infers they had been thrown in prison without their wounds being attended. Repentance on the part of the jailer, he could not undo the past, but he was trying to do whatever he could to make up for the past. Note that Paul did not use the gift of healing to remove his own pain. "Was baptized" Notice that the baptism was not delayed. Here we have another example in which preaching the gospel involves teaching concerning baptism (Acts 8:5; 35-38). The inference is that in teaching the Word of the Lord, baptism was taught as necessary for salvation, because the jailer does not rejoice until after he is baptized. Therefore, those who preach to people without telling them that baptism is necessary for salvation, are not teaching all the Word of the Lord. "He and all his" Lest someone try to argue that the statement infers that infants were baptized, let it be noted everyone in the household who was baptized believed (Acts 16:31). And everyone in the household that was baptized listened to the preaching of Paul and Silas (Acts 16:32). Both of those requirements exclude infants.

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Old Testament