"And he brought them up into his house, and set food before them, and rejoiced greatly, with all his house, having believed in God"Up into his house" After being baptized. "As. jailer he was not acting illegally, for while he was responsible for the prisoners, he was under no obligations to fulfill his duty in any particular way. Paul and Silas would not try to escape, and the jailer had confidence in them as servants of God" (Boles p. 266). "Set food before them" "Perhaps the prisoners have had nothing to eat for more than half. day" (Reese p. 592). "Rejoiced greatly" Notice that rejoicing is placed after baptism. "Having believed in God" Carefully note that the jailer and his family are not said to have believed in God until he was baptized. Prior to baptism, one has not really accepted everything God has said concerning what to do to be saved (Acts 2:38).

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Old Testament