"but if there are questions about words and names and your own law, look to it yourselves;. am not minded to be. judge of these matters"Questions" "Plural, contemptuous, 'a parcel of questions'" (Robertson p. 301). "Words and names" "The Jews, Gallio knew, split hairs over words and names" (Robertson p. 301). "Your own law" Gallio did not fall into the trap that the Jewish leaders had set. He knew that what upset the Jews was not some breach of Roman law (which they resented), but their own law. "What Paul was propagating, in his view, was simply. variety of Judaism which did not happen to commend itself to the leaders of the Jewish colony in Corinth" (Bruce p. 375). "Look to it yourselves" "Settle the matter yourselves" (Rieu). "I am not minded to be. judge of these matters" Gallio realized that he had not been appointed to settle theological disputes. "Gallio was absolutely impartial, that he refused to allow himself to be influenced or prejudiced, that he brought impartial Roman justice to his task" (Barclay p. 148). "This is one of the few instances in all the experiences of Paul in which his accusers were dealt with justly and summarily" (Reese p. 649).

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Old Testament