"and because he was of the same trade, he abode with them, and they wrought, for by their trade they were tentmakers" "Because he was of the same trade" Notice how God is taking care of Paul. He needs both Christian companionship and. job. In finding this couple, both needs are providentially met. "Trade" Paul had been trained to be. Jewish rabbi (Acts 22:3), but according to Jewish practice every rabbi must have. trade "The Jew glorified work. 'Love work', they said. 'He who does not teach his son. trade teaches him robbery'. It meant that they never became detached scholars, and that they always knew what the life of the working-man was like" (Barclay p. 147). Paul regularly earned his living in this way (Acts 20:34; 1 Corinthians 9:1 ff; 2 Corinthians 11:7 ff; 1 Thessalonians 2:9; 2 Thessalonians 3:8). "Abode with them" He evidently moved into the residence in which they were living. "They wrought" Apparently, all three of them were tentmakers. Aquila and Priscilla may have had. small tent-making business. "Tentmakers" "This trade was closely connected with the principal manufacture of Paul's native province,. cloth of goat's hair called 'cilicium', used for making cloaks, curtains, and so forth" (Bruce p. 367). "Tarsus was in Cilicia; in that province there were herds of. certain kind of goat with. special kind of fleece. Out of that fleece. cloth called cilicum was made which was much used for making tents and curtains and hangings" (Barclay p. 147). This trade may have included the weaving of the cloth, but probably involved putting the actual tent-together. "What is certain is that he worked with his hands" (Stott p. 297).

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Old Testament