"And he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and persuaded Jews and Greeks"Reasoned" This reasoning would be from the O.T. Scriptures (Acts 17:2). Notice how Paul felt that preaching was based upon the logical and orderly presentation of the Scriptures. Unfortunately, some professed Christians today ridicule the idea of using reason and logic when you approach the study of the Bible. In contrast to such critics, both Paul and Jesus did use finely tuned arguments (Matthew 22:29-32; 43-46; Galatians 3:16). "In the synagogue" The gospel was to the Jew first (Romans 1:16). "A commercial city like Corinth inevitably had. large Jewish colony, and Paul was able immediately to follow his usual procedure and proclaim the Christian message in the local synagogue" (Bruce p. 369) (Acts 17:2). "Every Sabbath" Thus we find Paul working during the week, trying to convert the Jews on the Sabbath, and worshipping with Priscilla and Aquila on Sunday(Acts 20:7). "Persuaded" "Trying to persuade" (NASV). "An imperfect tense expressing his persistence" (Stott p. 297). "Greeks" Gentile converts to Judaism and those who were loosely attached to the synagogue.

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Old Testament