"But we going before to the ship set sail for Assos, there intending to take in Paul: for so had he appointed, intending himself to go by land"But we going before to the ship set sail for Assos": "But we, going ahead of the ship, set sail for Assos" (NASV). "When it left Troas, the ship had to round Cape Lectum to get to Assos. Paul waited at Troas. little longer, and then, taking the direct road by land to Assos, was able to get there in time to join his companions on board their ship" (Bruce pp. 409-410). "Assos": (AS ohs). By land it was 20 miles from Troas, 30 miles by sea. Reese notes, "Why did Paul choose, after spending. sleepless night in preaching and teaching, to still further tax his power of endurance by this walk of 20 miles?" (p. 741). Possibly, Paul wanted to spend this time in prayer. Many things were on Paul's mind. How would the saints in Jerusalem respond to this contribution (Romans 15:31)? And he also knew that persecution awaited him in Jerusalem (Acts 20:22). This situation is somewhat similar to when Jesus would spend time by Himself away from the disciples (Matthew 14:23).

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Old Testament