And when Peter saw it, he answered unto the people, Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at this man? or why fasten ye your eyes on us, as though by our own power or godliness we had made him to walk?

'WHY MARVEL YE AT THIS MAN? OR WHY FASTEN YE YOUR EYES ON US'-'and why do you stare so at us' (TCNT) The Jewish people knew enough about miracles to properly interpret them and to know where they came from. 'They ought not have been thinking so much about how did it happen, but ought to have been asking why God had performed the miracle.' (Reese p. 158)

'AS THOUGH BY OUR OWN POWER OR GODLINESS WE HAD MADE HIM TO WALK?'-'Do not stare at us, as though there were anything wonderful about us.' (Bruce p. 87)

'GODLINESS'-2150. eusebeia yoo-seb'-i-ah; from 2152; piety; specially, the gospel scheme: -godliness, holiness.

Point to Note:

Notice the humility of the apostles. Even though they could work miracles, they still perceived of themselves as ordinary men (Acts 14:15). McGarvey notes, 'The notion, therefore, which has existed in some minds from time to time ever since the apostolic period, that if our faith were strong enough we also could work miracles, has as little foundation in Scripture as it has in experience.' (p. 56) Carefully note that Peter denied that it was "great faith" or "spirituality" on his part that had worked the miracle. The inference is that no amount of spiritual growth could enable anyone, including an apostle to work. miracle. The source of the miracle was God's power. And such power can't be bought (Acts 8:20 ff), earned or merited.

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Old Testament