But Peter said,Silver and gold have. none; but what. have, that give. thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.

'SILVER AND GOLD HAVE. NONE'-'I do no possess silver and gold' (NASB)

Points to Note:

Peter knew what the lame man was expecting--and it wasn't to be healed. He was hoping for. monetary gift.

Even though the money contributed in the previous chapter was under the apostles authority (Acts 2:44; Acts 4:32 'laid it at the apostle's feet'), Peter said that he didn't possess any silver and gold, which infers: (a) This common fund, or treasury in the New Testament church wasn't available to non-Christians. (b) 'the possessions which had been sold did not belong to the apostles.' (Boles p. 54). (c) Hence, we see quite. difference between the use of funds given by Christians in the First Century--and how funds are used in many modern religious groups.

While the apostles did have the right to be paid and were financially supported (1 Corinthians 9:1 ff). They didn't act like this new movement belonged to them, i.e. they didn't draw enormous salaries and neither did they have huge expense accounts.

'BUT WHAT. HAVE, THAT GIVE. THEE'-Something much better than silver and gold.

'IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH'-'The expression "in the name of" means "by the authority of" or "by virtue of the power derived from Him".' (Reese p. 154)

'WALK'-Notice the simplicity of the miraculous. No long drawn out ceremony or show. No buildup, no hype.

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Old Testament