And leaping up, he stood, and began to walk; and he entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.

'LEAPING UP'-He knew right away what had happened. Again, let it be stressed that in biblical healings, the healing didn't happen slowly, gradually or over. period of time. The lame man didn't say, 'I think. feel something in my legs'. 'Present middle..leaping out repeatedly after Peter pulled him up' (Robertson p. 42)

'BEGAN TO WALK'-'The imperfect..continued walking about.' (Vincent p. 460) Notice the agility of this man--no stumbling, no wobbling. He is walking about, but it isn't to learn how to walk, rather he is walking, because he is simply amazed at what he is now able to do.

'ENTERED WITH THEM INTO THE TEMPLE'-'This was the hour of prayer in the afternoon. We can imagine the usual silence of the worshippers being rather surprisingly interrupted by the leaping and cries of praise to God..May we picture the worshippers coming up quietly, reverently--and then into their midst comes this man shouting at the top of his voice and leaping about? He would be seen and noticed!' (Reese pp. 155-156)

'WALKING, AND LEAPING'-'ordinary walking seemed too humdrum. means of progress. His exultation must find. more vigorous expression, and so, leaping in the air and bounding along, trying to find out all that his new limbs were capable of doing.' (Bruce p. 84)

'PRAISING GOD'-He realized that God was the ultimate source of his healing.

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Old Testament