And in none other is there salvation: for neither is there any other name under heaven, that is given among men, wherein we must be saved.

'AND'-Seeing that God only has one "household" in which Jesus is the chief cornerstone.

'IN NONE OTHER'-A very exclusive statement. There isn't even. "second name" by which one can be saved. Jesus taught the same truth (John 8:24; John 14:6). 'By Peter's inspired statement every other major (and minor) world religion, including the Jewish, stands impoverished when it comes to saving. man from his sins..None are valid at all! None put. man right in God's sight.' (Reese p. 180)

'ANY OTHER NAME UNDER HEAVEN'-Inferring that Jesus is the only Savior for all time, all cultures, all races and all nations (Mark 16:15).

'WE MUST BE SAVED'-'In the Greek, the "we" is emphatic, since it is the last word in the sentence. It means WE--whether we are priests, elders, scribes, fishermen, or ex-beggars.' (Reese p. 180) This even applied to the members of the Sanhedrin.

'MUST'-If you are going to be saved, then you "must" have Christ.

Point to Note:

Unfortunately,. number of modern denominations insist that one can be saved outside of Jesus Christ. They contend that our religious neighbors (Jews, Buddhists, Moslems, etc..) are simply serving the same God. For all practical purposes, such. claim puts one in the same position as the religious leaders who rejected Jesus in the first place. If you can be saved outside of Jesus Christ, then Jesus isn't the chief cornerstone! That is, then you really don't need Him in building. relationship with God.

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Old Testament