But when they had commanded them to go aside out of the council, they conferred among themselves,

'THEY CONFERRED AMONG THEMSELVES'-'The silence was broken by. proposal that the prisoners be withdrawn.' (McGarvey p. 73) Here they are trying to buy time and 'come up with some way of rationalizing the situation and cutting their loses to the minimum.' (Reese p. 183)

Point to Note:

'Liberal critics have enjoyed themselves in asking how Luke could have known what went on in the Sanhedrin's confidential discussion...But Paul may have been there..' (Stott p. 98) In addition, God was there! Remember, Luke wrote by inspiration. Others note, 'remember that "a great company of the priests" afterward became obedient to the faith (Acts 6:7); and they would not hesitate to confess the villainy of their previous beliefs and actions.' (Reese p. 184)

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Old Testament