And with great power gave the apostles their witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.

'WITH GREAT POWER'-Indicating that God also granted their request that He would continue to heal through them (Acts 4:30). The fact that the apostles are specifically mentioned confirms our belief that those praying in Acts 4:23-31 are only the apostles.

'THEIR WITNESS OF THE RESURRECTION'-The apostles kept right on doing what the Sanhedrin had forbidden them to do.

'GREAT GRACE WAS UPON THEM ALL'-'great favour' (Rhm). Which may indicate that the people held them in favor (Acts 2:47; Acts 5:13); or that God's favor rested upon them, or both. God's favor was upon them because they were doing His will. And the people couldn't help but admire the generosity, self-sacrifice and unity which was found among these believers.

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Old Testament