And it came to pass on the morrow, that their rulers and elders and scribes were gathered together in Jerusalem;

'ON THE MORROW'-'The meetings of the Sanhedrin customarily began at 10 a.m.' (Reese p. 174)

'RULERS'-'These three groups of officers made up the body called the Sanhedrin. "Sanhedrin" comes from the Greek sun and hedra, which means "to sit together". The Sanhedrin was the high court of the Jewish people. It was composed of 72 members (authorities vary from 70 to 72..). It would have its counterpart in our American society in the Supreme Court. So, these men were before the supreme court of the Jewish people...Rulers would be the chief priests, the heads of the 24 courses. The elders were the 24 elderly men picked by the people to sit on the court. These would be men of age, influence, and position. The scribes...were the learned men, the men skilled and familiar with the Law because they worked with it constantly, making copies of it. They kept the records of the courts of justice and the family registers in the synagogues, wrote articles of contract and sale, and bills of divorce...They were not, however,. religious sect, but might be either Pharisee or Sadducee by belief.' (Reese pp. 174-175)

We should remember that during Roman times the authority of the Sanhedrin was limited, in that it did not have the authority to execute the death penalty. The occupying Roman government retained this right.

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Old Testament