But of the rest durst no man join himself to them: howbeit the people magnified them;

'BUT THE REST'-i.e. non-Christians.

'DURST NO MAN JOIN HIMSELF TO THEM'-The "them" of this verse could be the apostles (for they possessed the miraculous powers). But in light of Acts 5:12 "all with one accord", it appears that "them" refers to the church in general. We should note that people will continue to become Christians (Acts 5:14), hence this verse may be referring to. specific group of non-Christians, i.e. 'and none dared associate with them simply out of mere curiosity or idle purpose.' (Reese p. 210) Bruce notes, 'Of those who did not believe, however, none ventured to attach himself to the community; the fate of Ananias and Sapphira showed how perilous pretended or half-hearted adhesion might be.' (p. 118)

Point to Note:

God didn't feel that this was. negative consequence. Yes, this event did keep "some" from becoming Christians. And we forget, that "some" need to be kept from becoming Christians, i.e. those wanting to become Christians from unworthy motives. Half-hearted members only weaken. congregation, they dilute the influence of. congregation upon the community. Hence, 'some are frightened away, while others are drawn to faith..On the one hand an awestruck reserve....on the other great...successes.' (Stott p. 113)

'HOWBEIT THE PEOPLE MAGNIFIED THEM'-'Yet the people held them in high honor' (Wey); 'continued to hold them in high regard' (Wms) The respect came not only from the power the apostles manifested, but from the unity, unselfishness, faithfulness and love that they saw manifested by the Church (Acts 4:34; Acts 2:42).

Point to Note:

Here is an ideal for any congregation to strive for. Even though we may not to be to convert everyone, let us act in such. way, that people who still disagree with our message, have. hard time not respecting our lifestyle and what we stand for.

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Old Testament