insomuch that they even carried out the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that, as Peter came by, at the least his shadow might overshadow some one of them.

'INSOMUCH THAT'-Here we find the continued answer to the prayer of Acts 4:30, and Luke is giving us detailed information concerning Acts 1:12. 'to such an extent' (NASV)

'THEY EVEN CARRIED OUT THE SICK INTO THE STREETS'-'the verb tense in "carried" implies continuous action.' (Reese p. 211) The streets that the apostles were accustomed to using.

'BEDS AND COUCHES'-'beds and stretchers' (Rieu); 'mattresses and mats' (TCNT).

'AT THE LEAST HIS SHADOW MIGHT OVERSHADOW SOME ONE OF THEM-Some complain that this indicates that the people were superstitious. But Stott notes, 'I see no reason to condemn it as tantamount to belief in magic, any more than was the woman's faith that. touch of the hem of Jesus' garment would be enough to heal her. No, the people had been deeply impressed by the words and works of Peter...and believed that through close proximity to him they could be healed.' (p. 113)

Points to Note:

Here we learn something about the power of God and miracles. If one could heal, then they didn't have to touch the individual. Jesus often healed people at great distances, or simply with just. word (Matthew 8:13; John 4:52); or if they had touched him (Matthew 9:20). The same was true for the Apostles (Acts 19:12).

And people were healed (Acts 5:16).

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Old Testament