Then went the captain with the officers, and brought them, but without violence; for they feared the people, lest they should be stoned.

'BUT WITHOUT VIOLENCE'-Does this imply that the first arrest (Acts 5:18) had involved some "rough" treatment?

'FOR THEY FEARED THE PEOPLE, LEST THEY SHOULD BE STONED'-Bruce notes, 'No force was used, but no resistance was offered. Had the apostles been minded to resist, they could have relied upon the support of the crowd that was listening to them and the temple officials would have been faced with an awkward situation.' (p. 121)

Point to Note:

This reveals how popular the apostles had become, even with crowds of non-Christians. The people were eager to listen to what they had to say. In addition, you would also be upset if the men who could heal your friend, relative, etc...were being detained!


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Old Testament