And they were not able to withstand the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spake.

'TO WITHSTAND THE WISDOM AND THE SPIRIT BY WHICH HE SPAKE'-'The Greek is very forceful, and literally reads, "They had no strength to withstand". They were not able to answer his arguments.' (Reese p. 260)

'SPIRIT'-Note: The KJV has "spirit" (small "s"). Spirit here may either refer to his own natural abilities (energy, zeal). Or, seeing that Stephen had the spiritual gift of healing (Acts 6:8), and considering his sermon recorded in chapter 7, we can also say that he spoke by inspiration, i.e. had the gift of prophecy. 'The strength of his case was such that his opponents in the debate found themselves worsted.' (Bruce p. 133)

Point to Note:

This is simply another passage that objectively reveals that the truth is just that clear. Christianity isn't "one" version of what could be true, or just one opinion among countless others. Notice that God feels that Christianity doesn't have any weak points. It is based on. solid foundation. And anyone who opposes the claims of Christ, will be beaten by someone who does know the Scriptures.

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Old Testament