And Stephen, full of grace and power, wrought great wonders and signs among the people.

'FULL OF GRACE'-The KJV has full of "faith".

'POWER'-i.e. able to work miracles. 'This is the first exhibition of miraculous power by any but an apostle.' (McGarvey p. 111)

'GREAT WONDERS AND SIGNS'-We have already heard about the greatness of such powers (Acts 5:15).

'AMONG THE PEOPLE'-Publicly, in the open, and miracles performed upon non-Christians.

Reese notes: 'Sometimes the Bible's record of miracles is explained away by modern critics by saying that people back then didn't understand all that we now know about scientific causes of things that used to be mystifying. But let us remember that Luke was. physician. From what we known of physicians in the first century..we can say that Luke lived in an age when medical knowledge was in one of its great ages.' (p. 257)

I would also like to add that all of our modern scientific advances haven't invented. way to walk on water, instantly calm storms, or instantly heal lame men without any surgery or rehabilitation. If science has done anything, it has only intensified the wonders in the Bible.

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Old Testament