for in him were all things created, in the heavens and upon the earth, things visible and things invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; all things have been created through him, and unto him;

'FOR' -Which explains the previous statement that Jesus is the "firstborn of all creation". Jesus isn't. created being, for "in him were ALL THINGS CREATED". Again, the previous statement refers to position and not origin. Jesus can rightfully be called the preeminent one of creation for He created it all!

'IN HIM' -Carefully note we have three expressions in this verse in reference to Jesus and the Creation: (a) "in him". (b) "through him". (c) "unto him".

Points to Note:

1. The first expression "in him", probably means that He is the "source" of all created things. '"in him" all creative force resided.' (Erdman p. 52) Compare with Ephesians 1:4. like redemption, creation wasn't accomplished independent of Christ. 'On Christ depended the act of creation so that it was not done independently of him.' (O'Brien p. 45)

2. "In Him" simply means that the "power" to create everything in both the spiritual and physical realms, out of nothing, inherently resides in Jesus Christ. You see, Jesus wasn't simply there at the creation. He did more than "assist" the Father or "lend. hand". It was out of Who He is, it was from the power that inherently resides in the Son that all things were made. Creation could have been done "in the Father" or "in the Holy Spirit". For all three members of the Godhead inherently have the same ability. But it was done "in the Son".

'WERE ALL THINGS CREATED' -(John 1:3; Hebrews 1:2) 'The article gives. collective sense "the all", the whole universe of things.' (Vincent p. 469)

'WERE CREATED' -'The aorist tense, denoting. definite historical event.' (Vincent p. 469). "Matter" isn't eternal, rather it had. definite beginning. (Hebrews 1:10)


Points to Note:

1. 'Every form of matter and life owes its origin to the Son of God, no matter in what sphere it may be found...Christ's creative work was no local or limited operation; it was not bounded by this little orb...Every form and kind of matter, simple or complex--the atom and the star, the sun and the clod--every grade of life from the worm to the angel--every order of intellect and being around and above us..are the product of the Firstborn.' (Eadie pp. 51-52)

2. Both the Jews and Gnostics had. highly developed system of angels in their theology. Paul simply states that all beings in the spiritual realm, no matter how high or powerful, owe their origin to the Son of God..'He is in effect saying to the Gnostics, '"You give. great place in your thinking to angels. You rate Jesus Christ merely as one of them. So far from that, he created them." Paul lays it down that the agent of God in creation is no inferior, ignorant and hostile secondary god, but the Son himself.' (Barclay p. 120)

3. Hendriksen notes, 'The present-day application of this truth is immediately evident..' (p. 70) Too many "religious" and "non-religious" people fear what might be "out-in-space" (i.e invaders from another planet). Or they fear what "might to out there in the 'spirit world'", i.e. ghosts, demons, etc...Hey Christian, the Son of God, the God that you serve created the entire physical and spiritual universe! The God that you serve is "in charge", relax! (Hebrews 13:5).

I like what Bruce said, 'For those who have been redeemed by Christ, the universe has no ultimate terrors: they know that their Redeemer is also creator, ruler, and goal of all.' (p. 63)

4. Obviously, Jesus cannot be both "creature" and "Creator" at the same time. If He created "all things", then that infers that He didn't create himself, i.e. He is separate and distinct from "created things".

5. It would be ridiculous then to worship the devil or even angels, for such spiritual beings, are still only "created" beings.

6. This verse seems to suggest that all evil spirits, demons and the devil himself are created beings, i.e the devil isn't "divine". (Compare Colossians 1:16, Colossians 1:16 with Ephesians 1:20; Ephesians 6:12; Romans 8:38) Which means: (a) The devil isn't all-powerful, neither is he all-knowing, omnipresent, or eternal. Which means that even the devil has his own "blind-spots" (2 Corinthians 2:11). (b) Since everything created by God is good (Genesis 1:31), this would suggest that all evil forces in the spiritual realm were originally good. (c) And if Jesus originally created such beings, being their Creator HE CAN ALSO DISPOSE OF THEM (Matthew 25:41; 2 Peter 2:4).

'AND THINGS INVISIBLE' -'That is to say, all the laws by which this world is order and not chaos are an expression of the mind of the Son. The law of gravity and the rest, the laws by which the universe hangs together, are not only scientific laws but also divine.' (Barclay p. 120)

'By this the apostle declares that the invisible beings of the world above us, however lofty their names or mighty their powers, are Christ's creatures as much as the lowliest objects within our sight.' (Coffman p. 337)

'THROUGH HIM' -i.e. He is the active agent or the instrument in Creation.

'AND UNTO HIM' -Jesus is the Final Goal toward which all creation is heading (2 Corinthians 5:10). The same expression is used in reference to God the Father (1 Corinthians 8:6; Romans 11:36). 'All things, as they had their beginning in Him, tend to Him as their consummation, to depend on and serve Him (Hebrews 2:10)...The false teachers maintained that the universe proceeded from God indirectly, through. succession of emanations. Christ, at best, was only one of these. As such, the universe could not find its consummation in Him.' (Vincent p. 470)

Points to Note:

1. Which means that until. man or woman obeys Jesus Christ, they still haven't found the true purpose for which they were created. Which in turn means, as long as. person remains outside of Christ, they aren't functioning properly, they are operating contrary to the Owner's Manual, tremendous potential is being lost and wasted. True and real happiness, contentment or fulfillment isn't possible (Ecclesiastes 2:1).

2. The sole purpose of this universe is to serve Jesus Christ. And that's it (Ecclesiastes 2:13).

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Old Testament