and he is before all things, and in him all things consist.

'AND HE' -Jesus Christ.

'IS BEFORE ALL THINGS' -In the sense of time and priority. To create all things, the Creator must be in existence before all things. And this is an eternal, self-existence (Isaiah 2:6). Jesus could simply say of Himself, as was said at the Burning Bush, "I AM" (Exodus 2:14; John 8:24; 58).

'IN HIM ALL THINGS CONSIST' -'hold together', 'subsist' (Con), 'the universe is one harmonious whole' (Wey), 'all coheres in him' (Mof).

'CONSIST' -4921. sunistao soon-is-tah'-o; or (strengthened) sunistano soon-is-tan'-o; or sunistemi soon-is'-tay-mee; from 4862 and 2476 (including its collat. forms); to set together, i.e. (by implication) to introduce (favorably), or (figuratively) to exhibit; intransitively, to stand near, or (figuratively) to constitute: -approve, commend, consist, make, stand (with).

-'to place together and here to cohere, to hold together..Christ is the controlling and unifying force in nature.' (Robertson p. 479)

Points to Note:

1. 'Christ not only creates, but maintains in continuous stability and productiveness.' (Vincent p. 471)

2. Apart from Jesus Christ, the physical universe would fly apart (Hebrews 1:3). Which apparently is what is going to happen when Jesus comes again and the physical universe completely dissolves (2 Peter 3:9). For the physical universe to come to an end, Jesus simply must let go of it.

3. 'they form "a cosmos instead of. chaos"...To see Christ as "existent behind all laws", to regard stars and atoms, and the worlds of men and of angels, as "in him" and "through him" and "unto him", is to gain. wholly new and overwhelming vision of his glory and to find. new beauty and splendor in the universe he has made and ever sustains.' (Erdman p. 54)

4. And Eadie says, 'Are we not entranced with the dignity of our Redeemer and are we not amazed at His condescension and love? That the creator and upholder of the universe should come down to such. world as this, and clothe Himself in the inferior nature of its race, and in that nature die to forgive and save it, is the most amazing of revelations. Dare we lift our hearts to contemplate and credit it? And yet it is truth, most glorious truth...The God of the first chapter of Genesis is the babe of the first chapter of Matthew. He whom Isaiah depicts as "the Lord God, the creator of the ends of the earth", "who hath measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, and meted out heaven with the span", is the Christ crucified...He who, in the pages of Jeremiah, is "the true God, the living God, and an everlasting King", is in the pages of John the Word made flesh--the weeping Jesus--the master girded with towel and washing his disciple's feet--the sufferer crowned with thorns and nailed in nakedness to the cross.... He by whom all things were made had not "where to lay His head". What faith in power and extent should not be reposed in such. Saviour-God!' (pp. 58-59)


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