For it was the good pleasure of the Father that in him should all the fulness dwell;

'FOR IT WAS' -All of this was by matter of design. Nothing in the above verses happened by accident. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ wasn't an act of last minute planning, going to plan. or Divine desperation.

'THE GOOD PLEASURE OF THE FATHER' -The Father doesn't resent the equality of the Son. In 'God' we find complete unity, admiration, love, respect, and purpose (John 10:30). There is never and there has been never. "power-struggle" among the members of the Godhead. In contrast, observe the jealousy, envy, etc...that is found among the "god's" in other religious systems.

'IN HIM' -i.e. Christ.

'ALL THE FULNESS DWELL' -'the full nature of God' (Phi); 'the whole of the divine perfections' (Wey). (Colossians 2:9)

'FULNESS' -4138. pleroma play'-ro-mah; from 4137; repletion or completion, i.e. (subjectively) what fills (as contents, supplement, copiousness, multitude), or (objectively) what is filled (as container, performance, period): -which is put in to fill up, piece that filled up, fulfilling, full, fulness.

-'The word must be taken in its passive sense--that with which. thing is filled, not that which fills. The fulness denotes the sum-total of the divine powers and attributes... Thus the phrase "in Him should all the fulness dwell" gathers into. grand climax the previous statements--image of God, first-born of all creation, Creator, the eternally preexistent, the Head of the Church, the victor over death, the first in all things..' (Vincent p. 473)

Points to Note:

1. Vincent's observation is correct. For "who" else could such. being be? The previous expressions demand. Being who is eternal, all-powerful, all-wise, omnipresent, holy, merciful, etc...that the only Being Who could meet those conditions IS GOD HIMSELF!

2. Note the word "all". 'The powers and attributes of Deity were not to be distributed among. multitude of angels.' (Hendriksen p. 79)

3. Thus any "doctrine" or religious system which denies that all wisdom, power, redemption etc...can be found in Jesus Christ, is. false teaching.

4. The word "fulness" may have been chosen, to fight the error faced or to be faced by these Christians. Gnosticism believed that. whole series of powers existed between the supreme God and man, so that any communication between God and us or us and God, had to pass through all these spiritual mediators. 'Those who thought in this way would be careful to treat those powers with becoming respect. But the whole of this theosophical apparatus is undermined here in one simple, direct affirmation: the totality of divine essence and power is resident in Christ. He is the one, all-sufficient intermediary between God and the world of humanity, and all the attributes of God--are disclosed in him.' (Bruce pp. 73-74)


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