because of the hope which is laid up for you in the heavens, whereof ye heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel,

'BECAUSE OF THE HOPE' -Paul also thanks God for the "hope" which is laid up for these Christians. And he could express such confidence, because the "faith" and "love" of these members demonstrated that they did stand in. right relationship with God and such. hope was. present reality for them. The ultimate end of their faith and love would be eternal life, i.e. hope fulfilled.

'HOPE' -1680. elpis el-pece'; from. primary elpo (to anticipate, ususally with pleasure); expectation (abstractly or concretely) or confidence: -faith, hope.

-'Christian hope is not mere wishing. It is. fervent yearning, confident expectation, and patient waiting..assurance that these promises will indeed be realized..' (Hendriksen p. 49)

'WHICH IS LAID UP FOR YOU' -'in heaven where no power, human or otherwise, can touch it.' (O'Brien pp. 11-12) (Matthew 6:19).


Points to Note:

1. Notice the singular "hope". Only one hope for all Christians exists (Ephesians 4:4). And this hope is always placed in heaven (Matthew 5:12; Matthew 6:19; 1 Peter 3:20; Colossians 3:1; 1 Peter 1:4).

Unfortunately, the Jehovah Witnesses try to persuade us that in reality only 144,000 Christians will end up in heaven. It is strange indeed that the apostles never talked about the "hope that is laid up for you upon the earth", or "set your mind on things below".

2. Since eternal life is called "hope" (Titus 1:2), then eternal life must be. real possibility. 'Were it completely beyond reach, it might excite. romantic wish in one heart, and cover another in despair.' (Eadie p. 10) Hence serving God acceptably isn't an impossibility. In fact, Jesus felt that being. Christian wasn't always the hardest path in life (Matthew 11:28).

3. It is so easy to forget what is involved in our heavenly hope and why our minds must remain focused on this goal: (a) Total fulfillment, meaning, purpose and satisfaction (Revelation 21:4). (b). body that doesn't in any way hinder us from serving God (1 Corinthians 15:1). (c). wonderful new perspective, devoid of selfishness, self-pity and wrong-thinking (Revelation 21:4; Revelation 22:4). (d) Complete and intimate fellowship with God. (e) The absence of those things which frustrate and "spoil" the good times (Revelation 21:27; 1 Peter 1:4).

'WHEREOF YE HEARD BEFORE IN' -'Hope' comprises. portion of the subject-matter known as the 'gospel'. Therefore, the gospel message does contain the "doctrine" of the Christian's hope. And defining the gospel message merely as the details concerning the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ is. mistake (Acts 8:5; Acts 8:12). Not only does "faith" come by hearing (Romans 10:17). The Christian is also dependent upon the gospel message to properly define both love (1 Corinthians 13:6) and hope (1 Peter 1:4; Titus 1:2). Thus if "hope" is part of the gospel, then heaven and hell is part of the gospel.

'THE WORD OF THE TRUTH OF THE GOSPEL' -'the truthful Word of the glad-tidings' (Con). 'the word of truth, which is the gospel' (O'Brien p. 12)

Points to Note:

1. One cannot separate the "gospel message" from God's word. Neither can one make an artificial distinction between "the gospel" and "doctrine". See Acts 13:12; Acts 2:42; Romans 6:17 where the word "doctrine" is used in reference to the plan of salvation. Actually the same body of truth is referred to in the Scriptures as "the faith" (1 Peter 1:27; Acts 6:7; Colossians 1:23); "the gospel" (Colossians 1:23; Acts 20:24); "the truth" (Colossians 1:5; Galatians 2:5); "the word" (Ephesians 1:13); "doctrine" (1 Timothy 6:3; 1 Timothy 4:6; 1 Timothy 1:10).

2. Barclay notes: 'The gospel is truth. All previous religions could be entitled "guesses about God". The Christian gospel gives. man not guesses but certainties about God.' (p. 107)

3. Over against the philosophies and speculations which these Christians were facing or would face (Colossians 2:8). They had already heard the truth. Why listen to anything else?


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