in whom ye were also circumcised with. circumcision not made with hands, in the putting off of the body of the flesh, in the circumcision of Christ;

'IN WHOM' -in Christ.


Points to Note:

1. The phrase "not made with hands", infers that physical circumcision has ceased to be. requirement of God in the New Covenant (Galatians 2:1).

2. This also infers that the chosen status of the nation of Israel has ceased. (Genesis 17:10)

3. Even the O.T. had taught. circumcision of the heart (Leviticus 26:41; Ezekiel 2:7; Ezekiel 2:9; Deuteronomy 30:6).

4. So Paul is telling these Christians from. Gentile background, 'Don't let anyone intimidate you into thinking that you're not "real" Christians. You have undergone. greater circumcision than any of these false teachers, who are merely physically circumcised.' 'They have undergone. minor operation, you have. changed life!'

'IN THE PUTTING OFF OF THE BODY OF THE FLESH' -Note the contrast: The circumcision advocated and practiced by the false teachers was. minor operation. The circumcision experienced by these Christians was the removal and cutting away of their former evil habits and attitudes, i.e. getting rid of the old man (Romans 6:6; Galatians 5:24).

'THE BODY OF THE FLESH' -(Romans 6:6). This doesn't refer merely to our physical bodies, for we remain in the body even after we become Christians. But repentance and baptism liberates the Christian from. mind set on physical things (Romans 8:5) It liberates the Christian from. body controlled by physical desires and the old way of looking at things (Romans 6:12; Romans 6:16).

'IN THE CIRCUMCISION OF CHRIST' -'Specifying genitive, the kind of circumcision that belongs to Christ, that of the heart.' (Robertson p. 492)

Points to Note:

1. Eadie makes. good point when he says, 'The mark in the foreskin was the token of being. Jew, but the off-thrown body of the flesh (i.e. the old life) was the index of one's being. Christian.' (p. 147)

2. Christ demands real change of those who claim to be His people (Romans 2:28). The circumcision taught by Christ is an inward, real and complete removal of the old life.

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Old Testament