Mark Dunagan Commentaries
Colossians 2 - Introduction
I. OUTLINE OF CHAPTER Colossians 2:1-8
I. Paul's Concern For Christians Of The Lycus Valley: Colossians 2:1
A. His Desire For Their Encouragement: Colossians 2:2
B. His Desire That They Realize That All True Knowledge and Wisdom are Found in Christ: Colossians 2:2-3
C. His Desire That They Resist False But Persuasive Arguments: Colossians 2:4
II. Antidotes To Error: Colossians 2:5-8
A. Firmness In The Faith: Colossians 2:5
B. Holding On To the Same Jesus Preached To Them: Colossians 2:6
C. Gratitude: Colossians 2:7
D. The True Nature Of False Doctrine-Empty Arguments/Mere Human Tradition/Anything But Wise: Colossians 2:8
'In the previous paragraph (Colossians 1:24-29) Paul spoke in general terms of his apostolic service. His ministry to the Gentile congregations included the Colossians (vv 24-25). Now he turns to them in direct personal address...with the aim of strengthening the bond between the Colossian believers, whom he had not met previously, and himself. By means of. form used in the letter-writing convention of his day he wishes to instruct them in an important matter.' (O'Brien p. 91)
'Here is. brief lifting of the curtain and. poignant glimpse into Paul's heart. He is going through. struggle for these Christians whom he had never seen but whom he loved. He associates the Laodicaeans with the Colossians, and speaks of all those who had never seen his face. He is thinking of the Christians in that group of three towns in the Lycus valley, Laodicaea, Hierapolis and Colosse..and picturing them in his mind's eye.' (Barclay pp. 127-128)
I. OUTLINE OF CHAPTER Colossians 2:9-15:
I. Complete In Christ: Colossians 2:9-15
A. He Is The Fullness of God: Colossians 2:9
B. He Is The Final Authority: Colossians 2:10
C. In Him Is Found The True Circumcision: Colossians 2:11-13
D. In Him Is Found Release From The Law Of Moses: Colossians 2:14
E. In Him Is Found Victory Over Hostile Spiritual Forces: Colossians 2:15
'One thing clear is that the false teachers wished the Colossians to accept what can only be called "additions to Christ"...They wished to teach men an additional philosophy (verse 8). As they saw it, the simple truth preached by Jesus and preserved in the gospel was not enough. It had to be filled out by an elaborate system of pseudo-philosophical thought...They wished to impose circumcision on Christians (verse 11)...They wished to lay down ascetic rules and regulations (verses 16, 20-23)...They wished to introduce the worship of angels (verse 18)...The one thing certain is that the false teachers taught that Jesus Christ and his teaching and work were not in themselves sufficient for salvation.' (Barclay pp. 134-135)
I. OUTLINE OF CHAPTER Colossians 2:16-23:
I. Warning Against Regressing: Colossians 2:16-23
A. Regressing Back To The Law of Moses: Colossians 2:16-17
B. Regressing Back To Angelic Worship/Being Influenced By the Arrogant Claims of False Teachers: Colossians 2:18-19
C. Regressing Back To Asceticism: Colossians 2:20-23
Great spiritual truths always have very practical benefits and applications (Romans 12:1 ff). Paul has already stated that Christ released us from the demands of the Law of Moses (Colossians 2:14). Now he gives some practical applications. Carefully note, God doesn't always leave the reader to simply draw his own conclusions. Just in case these Christians (and us) fail to draw the right conclusions and logical ramifications from Colossians 2:14, God draws the proper applications for us.
Here we also learn that 'Bad theology leads to bad practice.' The false notions about the person and work of Christ, which are corrected in the positive affirmations of Colossians 2:8-15, gave their inevitable corollary in these unusual aberrations on the practical side..' (O'Brien p. 137)